
Collect reviews

Learn the easiest way to collect reviews for your Trustify profiles and how your visitors and customers can view them.

Your visitors and customers can access the corresponding profile via a link. There is a basic link for this and then the option to work with languages, surveys or to link directly to review.

Summarized the most important 3 links:[your-profile-slug][your-profile-slug]/rate[your-profile-slug]/rate?survey=[your-survey-id]

The first link is to view your profile and the second is to submit a review. This is basically all you need as standard. If you use several surveys for a profile, you can use the 3rd link to differentiate between them.

Select Profiles in the dashboard menu and then click on the View button for the desired profile (you can also right-click and select copy link). You have a link such as:

At the end of the URL is always the profile slug of your profile. In our example above, this is trustify for our profile.[your-profile-slug]

We recommend that you use the URL as specified above (without languages), because Trustify automatically recognizes which language a visitor speaks based on their device and browser and automatically selects the correct language.

In the URL you will later find a language parameter that is automatically set when you call up the URL from before. This then looks like this at the end:[language]/[your-profile-slug]

If you want to specify a language for your customers and visitors, you can do this with a URL in which the language is already set. By the way, you have 3 possibilities to get the exact URLs for that:

  1. According to these instructions and you put the languages yourself in the URL, like: de, fr, or en.
  2. Like the visitors to your profile, you can change the language on your profile at the top right via the globe icon and you will receive the corresponding URL in the browser.
  3. When editing the translations in the dashboard, we show you the respective URL by language.

Often you want your customers and visitors to leave a review. Then it makes perfect sense to send them a direct link to write a review. To do this, /rate is added to the end of the URL from before.

or with a selected language:

You will also receive this link, just like your customers and visitors, if you click on Review now on the profile. Attention, the language will then be added. You can also copy this by right-clicking, copy link on the Review now button.

If you have created Trustify surveys, you can either set a standard survey for the profile, which will automatically appear when a customer or visitor rates it, or you can have the profile rated with different surveys respectively survey review links. The links are structured as follows:[language]/[your-profile-slug]/rate?survey=[your-survey-id]

You receive the survey ID from the dashboard when editing a survey.

Further tips

In this section of the introduction you will learn valuable tips on the ideal use of Trustify and how to collect reviews. For example, it is important that you integrate Trustify into all your customer touchpoints and use it at the right time and ask for reviews. You are now already equipped with the appropriate links.

Create Trustify profiles