
Trustify review score

The Trustify review score is central and shows your customers and visitors how well something is rated. Trustify verifies and confirms this score to your customers and visitors.


The Trustify review score is a measure of customer satisfaction and is based on all reviews, respectively Trustify reviews and reviews from external sources, that a Trustify profile receives. The star rating is a visualization of the rating score.

How the Trustify review score is calculated

The review score is a number between 1 and 5 and is rounded to two decimal places and presented. The calculation takes place in real time and the overall score is therefore updated after each customer review. The calculation formula takes into account several factors such as time span, origin and frequency of the ratings. The rating score therefore does not necessarily correspond to the average of all Trustify ratings and ratings from external sources.

Display of the Trustify review score - stars & labels

The Trustify review score appears in the respective Trustify profile, search engines or a Trustify widget respectively integration. In addition to a number between 1 and 5, it also appears as a star rating and a label. Standardized mathematical rounding rules are used so that the star rating is rounded up or down to half or full stars.

Rating ScoreStar(s)Label
Under 1.25 (1.0 - 1.24)1Inadequate
From 1.25 (1.25 - 1.49)1.5Inadequate
From 1.5 (1.5 - 1.74)1.5Sufficient
From 1.75 (1.75 - 2.24)2Sufficient
From 2.25 (2.25 - 2.49)2.5Sufficient
From 2.5 (2.5 - 2.74)2.5Acceptable
From 2.75 (2.75 - 3.24)3Acceptable
From 3.25 (3.25 - 3.49)3.5Acceptable
From 3.5 (3.5 - 3.74)3.5Good
From 3.75 (3.75 - 3.99)4Good
From 4.0 (4.0 - 4.24)4Very Good
From 4.25 (4.25 - 4.49)4.5Very Good
From 4.5 (4.5 - 4.74)4.5Excellent
From 4.75 (4.75 - 5.00)5Excellent

Trustify review score for Trustify Master (Collection) profiles

An average is calculated from all the review scores of the added Trustify profiles and the review score of the Trustify master profile (from its reviews).

Collect reviews