
Profile translations

Most Trustify users have an international audience. Therefore, we support the translation of Trustify profile content into other languages. Trustify itself is available in German, English and French.

Translate profile content

To add translations select Translations in the dashboard menu and then click on the available language button of the desired profile. You can then add the translated content.

You have set the main language in the profile settings. Accordingly, only the languages that can still be translated are displayed here for translation. If you do not translate something or a certain language, customers will always be shown the content of the main language respectively the content stored in the profile settings.

How languages are applied

Trustify automatically recognizes which language a visitor speaks based on their device and browser and automatically selects the correct language. You can also use a direct language link for a profile, which is displayed at the top when editing a language.[language]/[your-profile-slug]

You can find more information about the links here.

External review platforms